How are your presentation skills? Can you learn a new thing or two?
Mental Health Awareness Week, 10 - 16 May 2021 What do our coaches have to share?
Multiculturalism is great for teams - But what are the challenges and benefits we face?
Positive emotions at work are great for everyone - and why is that?
Want to program the brain to better deal with Unconscious Bias? Here is How.
A WILHK- Women at Lunch & FELIZ Consulting “Lunch & Learn“ Event
How can you change your habits more effectively and be happier?
Racial D&I Charter Training: Tackling Unconscious Bias to Promote Racial Inclusion
Smart Talk: Equality at Work and What Has Changed with Covid-19
Unconscious Biases and their Importance in Achieving Workplace Equality
Mindfulness & Conscious Leadership for Lawyers – Online Masterclass Series
Happy International Women’s Day to all equality champions in the world! #IWD2020
What Are You Doing to Stay Physically And Mentally Healthy These Days?
Why is it essential to have a Business or Professional Coach in Hong Kong these days?
Life Coach Hong Kong: How Getting A Life Coach in Hong Kong Can Help You
Can You Learn a Few New Tips to Better Communicate and Make More Impact?