Happy Holidays from FELIZ Consulting
Picture by Osman Rana
We tripled our client base, engaged new expert consultants in Leadership and Management, listened to your needs and increased our training topics on offer - all while staying true to our bespoke approach and values.
We are also proud to be actively involved in our community, volunteering and supporting:
- Resolve Foundation https://www.resolvehk.org/
- The Hong Kong LGBT+ Attorneys (HKGALA) https://www.hkgala.com/
- Women in Law Hong Kong (WILHK) https://www.wilhk.com/mentoring-programme
- Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) https://www.eoc.org.hk/
- Women's International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA) https://wistainternational.com/association/wista-hongkong/
In the coming year, we look forward to providing the corporate training, facilitation and coaching solutions that continue to make a positive difference to you.
In 2020 we will also go deeper into the wellness side of learning and development, helping clients - individuals and organisations - with stress management skills, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, as well as transformational coaching and leadership.
We thank you once again for your support and trust in us. We look forward to another amazing year together!
Wishing you happy holidays and a wonderful 2020 filled with much happiness, peace and good health!
Picture by Annie Spratt
Stay present and FELIZ!
Warmest wishes,
Mônica and FELIZ Consulting Team
Some of FELIZ Top Corporate Training Courses and Solutions delivered in 2019:
First Impressions and Executive Presence, Managing Up Down and Sideways, Unconscious Bias; Diversity and Inclusion, From School to Work, Mentoring Program and Facilitation, Time and Meeting Management, Public Speaking, PSC (Presentation Skills Coaching), 1:1 Coaching, Team Building and Development, Public Speaking and Presentation Skills, Leadership, Management, Personal Branding and Impact.