Embracing Every Tradition: A Company's Guide to Inclusive Holiday Celebrations

The holiday season, centered around Christmas, is a time of celebration and joy for many. However, for companies striving to maintain and create a further inclusive environment, it can present a unique challenge. How can companies celebrate the holiday season while ensuring that all employees, regardless of their cultural or religious backgrounds, feel valued and included?

Understanding the importance of diversity and inclusion during the holiday season is crucial for companies to create an environment where all employees feel valued and have a sense of belonging. This period offers an opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to DEI, ensuring that individuals from different cultural or religious backgrounds are respected and included.

Here are several strategies and tips that companies may adopt to foster inclusivity during the holiday season:

  1. Recognize a Variety of Holidays: Acknowledge that employees come from diverse faiths and traditions, celebrating different holidays at various times. Reflect this diversity by recognizing holidays such as Bodhi Day, Christmas, Diwali, Eid al-Fitr, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Lunar New Year, and Yule.

  2. Implement Inclusive Holiday Policies: Discuss the need for inclusive holiday policies that respect employees' cultural or religious observances. Offer floating holidays, allowing employees to take time off for days that are important to their individual traditions. Avoid assuming that all employees celebrate the same holidays.

  3. Create a Diverse Planning Committee:: Involve individuals with varying beliefs in planning holiday events to avoid scheduling conflicts with different holidays. This ensures that celebrations are inclusive and respectful of all cultures.

  4. Foster Gender-Inclusive Celebrations: Recognize and respect gender diversity by choosing activities that are not gender-biased and using gender-neutral language in communications. Consider the needs of transgender and non-binary employees, such as restroom facilities and preferred pronouns, to create an environment where all genders feel comfortable participating.

  5. Seek Employee Input: Understand which holidays are meaningful to employees and how they celebrate them. Gather this information through surveys or during the onboarding process to tailor celebrations accordingly.

  6. Engage DEI Consultation and Training:  DEI consultants and industry experts can help guide inclusive measures, holiday celebrations and address systemic barriers to creating an equitable environment.

Additionally, consider other practical steps for inclusivity during holiday celebrations:

  • Ensure that participation in holiday festivities is voluntary, respecting personal and religious beliefs.

  • Offer a variety of food options that cater to different dietary needs, such as kosher, halal, and vegetarian, while respecting dietary restrictions.

  • Consider hosting a New Year gathering in January, focusing on the company's accomplishments and future goals rather than specific cultural or religious holidays.

  • Provide floating holidays that allow employees to take time off for their important religious observances throughout the year.

  • Engage in society-inclusive activities, such as charity events, that share joy with others in a non-religious and inclusive manner.

  • Collect employee feedback on holiday preferences and establish year-round educational opportunities about different cultures and faiths.

Why does DEI matter in your Holiday Celebrations?

  • It Enhances Employee Morale and Engagement

  • It helps create Psychological Safety

  • It fosters a Positive Company Culture

  • It Broadens Perspectives and Creativity

By implementing these DEI strategies, companies can create a more inclusive environment not only during the holiday season, but throughout - respecting the diverse backgrounds of their employees and fostering a sense of belonging and respect. Embracing a rich and diverse workforce and creating inclusive celebrations not only enhances employee well-being, but also reinforces their commitment to a respectful and inclusive culture.

Found this article useful? Please share with colleagues and friends. Want to learn more? For more insights and guidance on further DEI practices, training and consulting, please feel free to contact us.


Carter, 2022. How Companies Can Celebrate the Holidays Inclusively This Season. https://www.worth.com/how-companies-celebrate-holidays-inclusively-this-season/#:~:text=7,that%20attendance%20is%20not%20required

Meiner, 2018. How to Make Holiday Celebrations More Inclusive. SHRM. https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/1118/pages/how-to-make-holiday-celebrations-more-inclusive.aspx#:~:text=Here%20are%20some%20tips%20for,for%20any%20holiday%20events

Diversity and Inclusion in the Holiday Season. https://crestcom.com/blog/2021/11/12/diversity-and-inclusion-in-the-holiday-season/#:~:text=Diversity%20and%20inclusion%20efforts%20should,A%20few%20examples%20are

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Monica Zionede Hall